
Where to Look (During Interviews)

Where should you look when being interviewed?

Many people stress over this.  Stress no more.  Here is a quick video lesson:

Hope you found that helpful.

Of course, if the producer or interviewer gives you specific direction on where to look, follow what they say. They may have specific ideas on how they plan to edit it.

-Jess Todtfeld

Welcome to the Post-Training Library (Message from Jess)

So glad you went through one of the programs.

Here’s what’s next …

Do you want to share something nice???

We love testimonials.  Even a few lines on what you got out of the program specifically would be great.

Just email me directly:  Jess-(at)-SuccessInMedia.com

Thank you in advance!   Be on the lookout for more good stuff to help you in the future.


-Jess Todtfeld