Here are a few to help you along the way…
Here are some Do’s and Don’ts.
Winging It! – That’s a don’t.
DO… think about the outcome you want to create as a result of the interview.
What would make it worth the time and effort.
Rehearsing In Your Head or In Front of a Mirror. That’s a don’t.
DO… Rehearse with a video camera whether it’s for TV, print, radio, or internet media. There will be far more information to help you. (Much like videotaping a golf swing.)
HOPE the Interviewer Asks Great Questions – That’s a Don’t
DO… Write out answers you WISH you could say in the interview.
Then, try to SAY them. 🙂
REPEAT Anything the Interviewer Says Even If It’s Negative and Makes Your Look Bad. – That’s a don’t
DO…NOT repeat negative or inaccurate statements. People can quote YOU as saying them.
Wait Around for the Producer or Reporter to Ask You for Supporting Documents, Pictures, or Elements that Would Make Your Segment/Story Amazing – That’s a DON’T
DO… Go out of your way to provide elements that make that person’s job easier, makes them look better, keeps their audience happy, and gets you asked back!