
Media Training: One Size Does Not Fit All

Media Interview Skills are what many people would like to build. They go seeking advice in books or from experts like me. When I began this journey I found a few troubling things. One was that many experts delivered advice and told people it could be used in any interview.

A taped interview is not the same as a live morning show interview. An hour, live newstalk radio interview is not the same as a 3 minute morning drive-time interview. A USA Today print interview will not be the same as talking to your local town’s paper. There are different techniques and strategies. Lumping everything together so people can have a one size fits all set of techniques is not helpful for those seeking good advice.

If there is a specific type of interview that I haven’t recorded a video for, let me know. I will give my advice.

Advanced Technique: Dealing with Objections (Tough Questions)

Advanced Media Training Techniques

How can we take information from the sales world and apply it to media interviews? How can we use these techniques to help you feel more comfortable and confident?

Watch this video to find out. In this installment, we talk about “dealing with objections” when an interviewer speaks to you. During interviews, people commonly refer to this as “tough questions.” I say they are objections, much like objections in the sales world.

Watch to hear the technique.